Why I Pursue Bowhunting Adrenaline and Gratitude

Why I Pursue Bowhunting Adrenaline and Gratitude

There is a deep drive to continue to bowhunt and really pursue this bowhunting lifestyle. Marketing avenues try and make sure you continue to stay connected and along with many surface level quotes to program your mind to continue with this bowhunting lifestyle. So, when asked why I bowhunt even just a year ago, I might of said “it’s the way I was brought up – connecting with who I am”, “Connecting with nature and what it can provide in the way of organic meat”, or even “Connecting at a higher level, with nature even on a spiritual level, feeling closer to God.” These are all true but recently I have also connected one more thought I will dive into and explore for myself. Maybe it will help you understand some things as well…this is my hope.

Recent learnings of how our mind works and even some self-learning from recent blog posts of presence and consciousness lead to realize this while watching a recent hunting show. Something I do a lot of. Like so many other shows, a very nice buck was taken after years of hard work and finally the moment came when a shot presented itself. The bowhunter takes the shot and there is a flood of emotion that follows. Capturing this moment on film, helped me to understand why I have such a passion for bowhunting and further more sharing it with others.

For me, it is the roller coaster of emotions and feelings that keep me coming back year of year. It’s more than just the kill of the animal. It’s the hard work (Challenge), Adrenaline (Rush of energy) leading up to the moment of the shot, and the feelings of joy, accomplishment, gratitude of the experience, thankfulness, and then further memories of these feelings after reflecting. Ultimately, being truly thankful again and again of the whole experience along with how and why that animal was presented by nature to you at that moment in time. There is actually love and gratitude given to the animal, nature, and God! For me there is that sense of fulfillment or wholeness.

Have you ever wondered why you can come back more “whole and energized”  from that amount of work, time, up and down feelings and even further work and time invested during and after the harvest of an animal? It’s everything in the paragraph above! Your mind and heart are connected.

One more thought as to why I choose bowhunting vs maybe other forms of hunt with gun. Bowhunting allows me to feel more the connection vs the a gun…maybe because of the time and effort put into practice and presence needed to shoot archery that I do not personally get from shooting a gun. This is not to saying shotgun or rifle hunting is bad because I have done it, it’s just not my preferred method.
Let me know if you have similar experiences in any of your hunting adventures!