Training Mindset for the Bowhunting Lifestyle

Training Mindset for the Bowhunting Lifestyle

Do you have a training mindset? or when you think of a workout, do you stress out? I am pretty sure we all have those times we stress and try and come up with a way to avoid a tough workout…even athletes. Once I realized it was all in my head or mindset…It’s all mental as Cam Hanes and so many others say. There are two big things I changed in order to look forward to workouts daily.  

Training Mindset Bowhunting Lifestyle
Training Mindset

Get Your Mind Right – Workout your Mind

We all know health is important, without it we cannot do other things. Workouts seem to be part of a healthy lifestyle and this includes the bowhunting lifestyle for me. Remember the last time you took and walk outside, and then remember how you felt after the walk. You may have noticed your mood was better, maybe calmer than when you had started. If you do this regularly, you may feel the opposite when you miss your regular walk/workout. 

1. Training or Workout Mindset?

I run as often as possible….some people call it a runners “high” afterward or the mental clarity is felt hours after my run. I have come to realize I need to move or workout. It’s not always easy but I like to think about workouts as training for body and mind. Training for a lifestyle. This brings it to a much bigger perspective rather than trying a diet for 30 days or trying to lose 5-10 lbs. I am training for health, bowhunting lifestyle, family with small kids lifestyle, full-time career lifestyle, and times when decisions are not an easy lifestyle. Training is long term and lifestyle is forever!

2. Training is Controlled Stress on your Mind and Body

At the root, we train to get better or to accomplish something we would like. Training is adding stress to your body in order to eventually go beyond and hit a goal you have in mind. If you want to squat 500 lbs, you have to start out by lifting 100 lbs first. This is training – adding stress to your body AND mind in order to work your way toward something you want. Your mind and body react to stress. After recovery, it’s amazing how you move toward the goal in mind. Once I realized training is adding controlled stress methodically in order to reach my goals, my mind shifted. Yes, this training is tough AND it means better health, enjoying bowhunting lifestyle, enjoying family with small kids lifestyle, enjoying full-time career lifestyle, easier times when decisions are not as easy. 

The word training is a mental shift from workout. Training allows me to look at things longer-term / bigger picture and come to the realization that it is the stress needed to make change/lifestyle just a little easier. 

The next step after training is recovery…More to come!


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