Tag : Trophyline

Blending in to the Environment

Finding the perfect tree to climb樂. Hunting for a tree or Hunting for deer. This is something I often think about and why I still like ground hunting with a

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Break it down.

Pack in.Climb.Hunt / Film.

Break it down.

Pack in.Climb.Hunt / Film.

Break it down.

Pack in.Climb.Hunt / Film.

Rotation Prep.

Caught in action! #rutcation prep.Putting the final touches on my most mobile system of hunting yet.@trophyline_Saddle and platform @ezyclimbStrap on steps (slightly modified ) @athensarcheryRidge 32 70lbs 29″draw @blackeaglearrowsDeep impact

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Quick Saddle Rope Clip

So nice to just hang your gear on existing Molle loops.I will usually pack all my steps in a backpack until I get to the tree I want to hunt

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Practice Climb Cranford EZY Climb

Practice with the EZY Climb steps a week before the season started. Like this system of climbing so far. Very mobile and makes many trees available to climb.  Safe hunting!#hangingwiththebest

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Why Saddle Hunting?

Saddle Hunting has been around a long time…I had no idea it was out there until about 2 years ago. It’s gained some traction in the bowhunting world in the

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