Tag : mtn ops

Virtual 25K Run

Its official now. Great event @mtnops !Time is flying…this event took place a month ago. I chose to do this to push the limits of my  mental and physical abilities!Thanks!

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Day 2: #KeepHammering25k A little rain and wind to start as the tropical storm moved through. ✔ run complete! #keephammering  #accountable #nobodycaresworkharder #ConquerMore #MtnOps #hurricaneisaias


Day 1: #KeepHammering25k My personal bar is set for the rest of the week! #ConquerMore #MtnOps #marathonaweek #accountable #whitetailfit #elkshape #itsallmental


Who’s running with me?Check this virtual run out @mtnops This could not have hit my in box at a better time. Running normally clears the mind and gives me a

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