Supplements used in Training Recovery and the Bowhunting Lifestyle

Supplements used in Training Recovery and the Bowhunting Lifestyle

Previously I explained training recovery methods that did not require much investment. In addition, there are always supplements to help out. When it comes to training recovery supplements, it’s not easy to navigate and can be overwhelming. Where do you start and does it make sense to spend the money? As always I do a ton of research and experiment and listen to my body.

What I Look for in Training Recovery Supplements

The biggest thing I look for in supplements for training recovery is reducing the toxins built up by training. My goal is to help my body rid itself of the inflammation from each training session without adding in more toxins. It is a fine balance because inflammation is what causes change or your body repairing itself in a better way as a result of training. So inflammation is not always bad…it influences changes in your body. Finding the balance is what I strive for!

Supplements for Training

Here I keep it simple. I often train in the morning, and I have found black coffee does the trick. That’s it – it’s clean, improves mood, mental clarity and simply gets me moving! You can find all the studies you want for or against coffee. Again, I think there is a balance.

Training Recovery Supplements

Training Recovery Supplements Focused on Reducing Inflammation and Relaxing Muscle

I use many of the doTerra products all for very specific preventive health reasons. These are the main products I use specifically to reduce inflammation and to help for a quick recovery from training daily.  To get your hands on them or if you have any questions related to any of the products listed below or more you can reach out or simply follow Living This Natural Life on both Facebook and Instagram. Full disclosure Living this Natural Life is run by my wonderful wife. As you can see this is our lifestyle, pure, clean, healthy, natural, and preventative. Above all, these natural products have been around for hundreds of years and used for both reactive and preventative health! doTerra offers a ton of information and science behind these products. Feel free to reach out for specific science research for each of the products listed!

Deep Blue Essential Oil and Rub – This was the first product I really used with doTerra to relax sore muscles. It is a blend of essential oils in order to reduce some soreness and relax the muscle in order to recover. 

Copaiba Essential Oil – Have you heard of CBD oil? Well, this is very much the same minus the small amount of THC found in many CBD oils. Copaiba will work in the same pathways. I use it to reduce inflammation and it also relaxes your entire body and mind. I like it because DoTerrra certifies the purity and they are a trusted source. You never know what you get when buying both CBD or other essential oils from other places. 

Turmeric Essential Oil and Capsules – I use Turmeric for two reasons. First, similar to copaiba, it reduces inflammation, which is essential for recovery. Second, there is a ton of research as of late showing turmeric does wonders for the brain. The oil is different than the other supplements you see on the market in spice, powder or capsule.  The oil provides some additional benefits vs the powder form.

Serenity Essential Oil and Softgels – Sleep is the most important for recovery. Serenity is a blend with the purpose of helping you sleep at night. For those nights that for some reason I just cannot relax, the Serenity Softgels will help. They have the essential oil along with L-theanine. L-Theanine is like the opposite of Caffeine. Research shows L-theanine will block the neural receptor where caffeine normally attaches itself to, which results in a calming effect (Again, I am no doctor, just like to experiment.) Copaiba also helps me sleep as well as because of its natural calming effect on both body and mind. 

*One Bonus – I have added collagen peptides to my diet and supplements. Training does require a LITTLE extra protein and I have noticed some great things from adding this to my diet. I believe the benefits mainly do to the idea that so much of our body is made of amino acids (our connective tissue, joints,…more than just our muscle). I believe if you do not purchase high-quality meat OR are eating your wild game from your last bowhunting trip, I was missing some essential amino acids from the diet. The Vital Proteins Collagen peptides added this back in!


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