Speed Scouting Public Hunting Land
This is the time of year I love to get out and just walk through the woods. I am always on the search for deer and new places to hunt. I am so fortunate to have many acres of public land nearby. After learning the habitat and where the deer like to hang out, speed scouting public land is just another tool I use to quickly identify if there is a mature buck living on a property.
When to Utilize Speed Scouting
Right after the hunting season closes. Deer lay down sign all year. Right now, when all the leaves are off, green grasses and shrubs have died down is the best time to be looking for this deer sign in the woods. A full year of deer sign has been left and easiest to see. This is why speed scouting works so well this time of the year. You can go in and see the sign easily. Follow the trails laid down all season and go see where the deer are living.
What to Look for When Speed Scouting
It’s easy to get lost in all the deer sign found this time of year. There are two main things I look for this time of year that show me a mature buck is at least traveling on this property regularly. First, I look for rubs and big rubs. These are easy to spot by walking or by glassing with binoculars. Once I have a good rub located, I dive in to figure out where the deer came from by following trails or a rub line. I mainly look for bedding areas from there. The second thing I look for this time of year, are sheds. If I can find a shed, I know the size of the buck and I know he’s alive for another year. This is often not easy to do but really seals the deal.
Why Speed Scouting on Public Lands
I do pay attention to hunter sign when scouting as well. Trail cameras, trail markings, treestands, and even footprints will give a hunter away. Hunter pressure pushes deer, so I will either play that to my advantage or simply move on to the next area. Many times I just move out of the area because the sign I am looking for just is not there. Speed Scouting allows me to add as many places or choices to hunt as possible. This may be more mental than anything, and each hunt can be fresh and like that first sit.
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