Remember the Small Things – Otters in the Wild

Remember the Small Things – Otters in the Wild

These are the things I often forget about after a hunt. There were actually 2 Otters in the wild just doing what they do this November Morning! I don’t always remember the small things I encountered along my hunt journey or simple hikes in nature, SO, I do my best to capture them on camera. Then when reviewing each hunt, I can remember and share these small things that really make the hunt for me!

This was some footage I captured during a rut hunt last November. I captured it because this is not something I see every day, and I just want to share the awesomeness of the experience. It’s only a portion of the total experience which lasted all of 4 minutes!

Capturing the small things while out bowhunting help me in Remembering why I go out hunting, These small experiences make the hunt and these are the things to share!

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