My Top Free Things for Training Recovery

My Top Free Things for Training Recovery

Training Recovery is probably more important than the training itself. After 15+ years of experimentation with my own training schedule, recovery methods, diet, and overall lifestyle these are the things I do to make recovery as efficient as possible. I am not doctor, I just want to reduce my visits to the doctors!

Sleep Training Recovery
Relax and Recover from your Training

Sleep for Training Recovery

This is when my body repairs itself. If I do not repair, I cannot stay healthy, remove the inflammation created by training, or get stronger.  Along with the physical benefits, there are mental and benefits as well. In my head (literally), my brain is more in balance, releasing the chemicals needed in order for my day fo function “normally”. This is a big topic in today’s environment – Don’t be afraid to find out what works best for you. I track my sleep and will many times adjust my training if sleep is deprived over time.

Fasting for Training Recovery

This is just going longer between meals or what I do is skip breakfast. This is again adding some stress on your body and it soon realizes it has to become more efficient. As an engineer, efficiency makes sense in my head. I want to train my body to be efficient with energy and recovery. Fasting creates an environment where your body is forced into keeping the most efficient cells around and the others die off. (I am no doctor, I only experiment with what makes sense in my head!) I do encourage you to find what works for you! – It’s OK to experiment and listen to your body.

Reduce Toxins

TRY to keep toxins out of my body – This has been lifelong learning. The environments we are in are always changing and we do not always know exactly what is in the food we consume. We can do our best through choices in what we decide to put into our bodies. This also takes some work of listening to your body or experimenting by adding or eliminating foods to determine which ones work best for you. Back to the point, fewer toxins in your body allow less energy spent on dealing with toxins and more time working on recovery! FYI – This is another reason bowhunting is beneficial – when I am successful in the field, I can bring home probably the most natural, organic food we can get our hands-on today.

Roll Out for Training Recovery

A hard foam roller (TheBean) and a baseball have been game-changers. I never really stretched and as a result had no flexibility. Since adding these two things I am pretty sure my recovery time has been cut in half. In my head, I am able to reduce the soreness of muscles by rolling them out, which then brings blood to them in order to reduce inflammation and then allow for repair! It gets the junk out! (I am no doctor) Rolling does wonders on sore shoulders and back after a long day of archery!

I know training is important, and have found recovery is just as important. These are the things I have in my routine to speed up recovery. I have found if I do train and use these methods of recovery, my body adapts. SO, If you know where you want to be, make a plan and follow it, so your body can adapt to it!


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