How Can Hunters Give Back

How Can Hunters Give Back

Happy New Year! 2020 is here and it’s that time of year to reflect, be thankful for another year and plan for the up and coming year.  I am blessed to be where I am today as I think about 2019. Including learning a lot about myself, my family and bowhunting. I had some great encounters with some great deer and was able to tell my hunting story through video on the Bible Belt Outdoors YouTube Channel again! Video is an awesome way to document and reflect on your hunting season. This leads me to come back to the idea of how I can give back more! As a Bowhunter, I truly take full advantage of what the outdoors offers. For 2020, it’s time to give back and want to offer a way for hunters to give back.

Hunters Give Back

Why Hunters would want to Give Back 

I am always looking forward – One of my strengths is Future thinker. This was a 2019 learning for myself. If you get a chance to read the book Strengthsfinder, great book and might bring a different look at how you improve yourself.

I have always wanted to give more back to the outdoors because it provides so much for me. 2020 is a time for me to take action on this. As an engineer, I did want to go a little deeper first and understand why I have this freedom to enjoy the outdoors. Then, Give Back to those people and things. I was able to narrow it down to 3 three areas to start out. As a hunter, I want to give back to: 

Conservation – hunters give back the most to conservation and without it, we cannot do what we do (Hunt). 

Community – see my Focus and Vision Page on why I picked GivePower. They are providing clean water and electricity to the people who need it the most. I often take these things for granted. I have never been without them my entire life. They are providing this to communities that do not have clean water and electricity. 

Veterans – I believe they are a huge part of why we have the freedom we have. Veterans have sacrificed so much.

Plan for 2020 Project Bowhunters Give Back

I am naming this project Bowhunters Give Back. This is my way of bringing a passion I have (Bowhunting) and a purpose to give back to things that allow us to do what we do – Bowhunt! 

I wanted to make it as simple as possible for hunters to give back. As hunters, we already give back a lot. Next, I wanted it to be easy and not above and not so much above and beyond what we do on a daily basis. One thing we do more and more is shopping online. So why not provide a way for hunters to shop online for their everyday things and have a way for a portion of the money to go to conservation, community, and veterans.

We can do this through affiliates of this site. By using the ads and affiliate links on this site, money is earned from the goods purchased. See my Focus and Vision page for affiliate links, how much and where the money will be given back!

This is only a start. I have many other ideas to generate more for conservation, community, and veterans!