Garmin Connect App Tracks HRV

Garmin Connect App Tracks HRV

I have been using the Garmin Connect app for two years now. At first glance, I did not realize Garmin Connect tracked your HRV (Heart Rate Variability). Of all the research on training and recovery, I wanted a way to track my heart rate, HRV, and SLEEP! I use the Garmin VivoSmart4. I liked its low profile to get me tracking without the bigger watch face. The cost is pretty reasonable too! (Garmin does offer other models as well with so many more features.)

App Metrics – SLEEP, Heart Rate

With the Garmin Connect App, I can track my sleep and more specifically see the 3 stages of deep, REM and light sleep. I don’t know the accuracy, but as with anything in looking at metrics and data…it’s a baseline. I believe it tracks sleep by reading my heart rate through the night. For me, sleep is the ultimate recovery tool, however, this can be challenging at times. Finding my baseline sleep with the way I feel each morning gives me an idea of my training for that day.

Garmin Connect HRV, Sleep, Heart Rate

Garmin Connect Tracks HRV – Stress!

The app will also track your stress level or Garmin’s way of tracking HRV. Ultimately, then they combine these two and create a Body Battery metric. More sleep and rest = a charged body! I think this metric of HRV has to be promoted more. After learning more about HRV, I did a search for other devices that tracked HRV. Garmin was not in the top searches. Devices that may have a little more research and maybe a bit more technical came up along with a higher price tag! S0, If you are at all just getting into tracking biometrics, I’d recommend a Garmin device for the price. Try it for a year and then decide if you want to get more technical. Find your Garmin Devices here

Find out more about why HRV may be something you want to check out or track. This article is from the Harvard Medical Publishing website. Heart Rate Variability: A new way to track well being

Obviously you do have to go with how you are feeling, but for me, it’s a great tool to determine the intensity of my next training and simply experiment. Hopes this helps someone…Ask me any questions.

See this article on my Recovery Supplements!

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