Category : Lifestyle


Day 2: #KeepHammering25k A little rain and wind to start as the tropical storm moved through. ✔ run complete! #keephammering  #accountable #nobodycaresworkharder #ConquerMore #MtnOps #hurricaneisaias


Day 1: #KeepHammering25k My personal bar is set for the rest of the week! #ConquerMore #MtnOps #marathonaweek #accountable #whitetailfit #elkshape #itsallmental


Who’s running with me?Check this virtual run out @mtnops This could not have hit my in box at a better time. Running normally clears the mind and gives me a

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“Moon Shot”

#moonshotI say “what if” and see where it goes! Most of the time…there is no planned outcome in mind.What really drives my couriousity is saying “what if” many times.It’s the

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Garmin Connect App Tracks HRV

I have been using the Garmin Connect app for two years now. At first glance, I did not realize Garmin Connect tracked your HRV (Heart Rate Variability). Of all the research

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Remember the Small Things – Otters in the Wild

These are the things I often forget about after a hunt. There were actually 2 Otters in the wild just doing what they do this November Morning! I don’t always

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Fixed or Growth (Mindset) / Stay the Same or Improve / Sitting Still or Moving Forward I recently finished a book on Mindset (Mindset: The New Psychology of Success) I

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Find Your Peep Sight!

Finding your peep sight or the lens we everything through. (7 Habits of Highly Effective People) It’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the information available. Information is infinite. It has always been

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Consistency – It adds up – Long Term – Change will HappenThis is one core value I live by.Daily TasksWeekly Tasks#NeverstopThen you wake up one morning and realize you ran

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Speed Scouting Public Hunting Land

This is the time of year I love to get out and just walk through the woods. I am always on the search for deer and new places to hunt.

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