Category : Lifestyle

Breath – Book Review and Results

This book is packed! Health and fitness have always been important to me. I recently re-read this book for a couple of reasons. There are many reasons to read this

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Timing – Daily Journal

Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: I think of timing often as we move through the year. There are different

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Kyudo – Japanese Martial Arts – Archey

If I decided to practice martial arts, I would choose Kyudo. Kyudo means “The Way of the Bow” and there is a retreat and hall not too far from me

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Wellness – Daily Journal

Morning run views! Topic I am pondering my run…Wellness is available to everyone (great right!) and your wellness does not take away from someone else’s availability to be well! To

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Trail Cameras for Deer Inventory

It’s that time of year to use trail cameras to take deer inventory. Exciting to see the bucks that have made it through the deer seasons. It’s also a good

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Self Filming Sharing the Experience DIY Bowhunting

Self Filming is a way to share your experience and your story. works to make your experience outdoors better. Self filming is part of the experience. The video you

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Virtual 25K Run

Its official now. Great event @mtnops !Time is flying…this event took place a month ago. I chose to do this to push the limits of my  mental and physical abilities!Thanks!

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Practice Climb Cranford EZY Climb

Practice with the EZY Climb steps a week before the season started. Like this system of climbing so far. Very mobile and makes many trees available to climb.  Safe hunting!#hangingwiththebest

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Ezy Climb Steps

Might have to spread them out a bit. Heading for an test climb full setup later today. Short test yesterday proved to be promising. Always refining and learning. Stay safe

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Backyard Treehouse

Our version of a backyard “treehouse.” I am that urban neighbor with deer blinds in their backyard and climbs trees to test their saddle hunting gear. #kidatheart #treehouse #bowhuntinglife #bowhunter