Breath – Book Review and Results

Breath – Book Review and Results

This book is packed! Health and fitness have always been important to me. I recently re-read this book for a couple of reasons. There are many reasons to read this book and I have benefited from a couple of practices I put into action. The reason I am sharing this here is it may help with controlling your heart rate and anxiety when shooting competitive archery or even buck fever. (It mentions a method used by Navy Seals).

First, I did implement many of the techniques (about 8 months ago).  My original goal was to improve sleep (what I think is really key to recovery especially while training hard, like so many of us hunters do!)
I track my sleep with a Garmin device. (It’s a baseline and I am not convinced it is the best tracking tool out there, but when it comes to metrics, its a consistent method of tracking.) My sleep was not bad, but wanted to improve the efficiency like all engineers, right? My sleep was also keeping my wife up at night (Snoring was a problem!).

After 8 months of following just a couple practices in this book. My deep sleep increased from average of 30 minutes to over an hour many nights (average 60 minutes). AND my snoring has greatly been reduced! (Like I don’t hardly snore anymore – Happier wife!) This is where it may sound crazy and a bit out there, but the main technique I put into action from this book is mouth taping. In my head it originally made complete sense to mechanically stop snoring. Hahaha

Anyway, the book goes into the actual history, science and reasoning.

I am currently working thru the CO2 training while running. After a few days, my endurance seems to growing and more just learning the best way to breath while endurance training.

See my Link in my Bio – Book Recs list!

#breathwork #snoring #sleep #training #bowhunting #diybowhunter #fitness #breath #endurance #running #runforfun #tracking #metrics

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