Bowhunting and Fitness

Bowhunting and Fitness

This seems to be the trend lately and I have to start 2020 off with a fitness goal post…right?  Do bowhunting and fitness go together?

You don’t have to look far to see how the fitness industry, supplements, and bowhunting are merging together. So does this mean you need to be a top athlete for bowhunting? – No 

For the DIY bowhunter, I do think fitness seems to fit nicely with the bowhunting lifestyle. It comes down to the type of bowhunting you choose and the fitness level will follow. If you like the challenge of hiking a few miles and knowing if you get one, you will have to get that animal out, you need a certain level of fitness. The terrain also can determine fitness levels as well. That same hike into the mountains will require a different level of fitness. Hunting an urban area where the hike is only 5 minutes into a preset stand brings on its own level of fitness. I have enjoyed all these types of hunts and don’t think anyone is better than the other!

Bowhunting and Fitness

Bowhunting Lifestyle

First, fitness for me is the ability to do the activities I choose to do. For me, I think fitness has also fed into the bowhunting lifestyle I have chosen. For example, this past year I choose to hunt a piece of public land that had a lot of elevation change. Scouting all winter, I knew that if I would kill a deer 1-2 miles into the property, it would be a challenge getting that deer out. This is what sets my fitness level for the year. Elk hunters do this all the time when they know they are going to be hunting in the mountains and may have to pack out an ELK. They know the challenge and figure out how to get to the fitness level they need to be at. Bowhunting is partly what drives my fitness. 

Bowhunting and Fitness for 2020

This past year was a blast and I will continue to do the same style of run and gun, hiking, scouting, mobile hunting method. Overall durability and endurance are what I go for when working out and gauging where my fitness level is at. Durability for me is how well I recover from workouts and scouting missions. Some soreness is OK, 3 days of soreness is not OK and I have to adjust my diet or build strength or both. Endurance for me is just how long I can go without being gassed or forced to stop and take a break. This includes the mental aspect as well. 

One last note – I change my workouts often to build that durability create change my body has to adapt to. It seems to prevent injury. All this is just what I choose to do. I am constantly experimenting with diet, exercise, or natural supplements. More to come on all of this!

This is my daily routine of how I use to create for this bowhunting world and get to my fitness goals all before 6 am!

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